Posted January 12, 2021 by Admin in News

Working Prospects of Electrical Power Engineering

Graduates from the Electrical Power Engineering Study Program (EP) will have the opportunity to develop professional careers as power plant planning engineers, operation and maintenance systems engineers, electrical utility management, design engineers, marketing engineers in electric power engineering, educators in engineering electricians, and professional trainers in various organizations and companies as well as making their own businesses in the electricity sector by making products or services starting from the business process of supplying goods to commissioning of electricity projects.

Several relevant companies that have prospects in accordance with basic knowledge and skills in electricity include electric utility companies (PT PLN (Persero) or other similar companies abroad), power generation companies, power transmission companies, power distribution companies, market authorities. electric power (government), industries with electricity networks such as private and government oil and mining companies, application services, consulting services, large contractors, research and development institutions, higher education institutions and training providers, as well as industry and other related institutions.

Referring to the EP tracer study 2019, 56% of alumni can access professional career opportunities through the ITB career center platform and 44% through other media such as professional networking platforms, job fairs outside ITB, internships or other media. The time it takes to get a job varies from 8 months before graduation to 7 months after graduation with an average of around 1 month with the number of companies being applied varies from 1 to > 10 companies. Meanwhile, the categories of the industry vary in the manufacturing industry; provision of electricity, gas, steam/hot water, and cold air; wholesalers and retailers, car and motorcycle repair and maintenance; information and communication; professional, scientific, and technical activities; other service activities. In addition, the data on the average salary received by alumni is around IDR 10.8 million per month and an average bonus of IDR 36 million annually.
