Annual Enrollment and Graduation

Annual Enrollment & Graduation of Electrical Power Engineering (Undergraduate Program)


Academic Year Enrollment Year Total Undergrad* Total Grad
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th


2021/2022 FT 544 21 25 37 8 1 1 93 10
1 2020/2021 FT 543 31 39 41 7 3 0 121 32
2 2019/2020 FT 534 40 42 33 7 2 1 125 35
3 2018/2019 FT 418 43 33 35 11 1 0 123 35
4 2017/2018 FT 408 33 36 45 9 5 0 128 46
5 2016/2017 FT 428 36 45 47 10 10 0 148 68
6 2015/2016 FT 415 46 47 66 16 10 0 185 59
7 2014/2015 FT 394 47 66 60 28 8 0 209 67
8 2013/2014 FT 379 66 60 70 19 1 0 216 59
9 2012/2013 FT 402 60 70 40 16 2 0 173 41

FT = Full Time
PT = Part Time
*Total Undergrad = Number of students enrolled to EPE program at 2nd-6th year.


At the first year in ITB, all students are enrolled to the designated Faculty / School. Therefore, the number of student at the first year is common to all six undergraduate programs within The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI), i.e. BS in Electrical Power Engineering, BS in Telecommunication Engineering, BS in Electrical Engineering, BS in Informatics/Computer Science, BS in Information System and Technology, and BS in Biomedical Engineering.

At the end of the second semesters, all students are distributed into these programs. The distribution is based on, in the priority order,

  • student’s interest,
  • consistency of student’s choice
  • priority of student’s choice,
  • program’s allocated place,
  • GPA (in case of the number of interested students exceed the allocated place)