Electrical Power Engineering ITB Team Wins 1st and 3rd Place at NESCO 2020 Competition
Electrical Power Engineering ITB team won 2 titles, 1st place and 3rd place at the annual NESCO (National Electrical Power System Competition) event. That event is a national level competition organized by the Magatrika which is BSO organization under the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Student Family, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University (KMTETI FT UGM). In 2020, the NESCO event was held with the aim of helping to improve the mindset of the community and students, assisted by government figures and government observers to realize national electricity sovereignty. The NESCO event took place at the Crystal Lotus Hotel on Sunday, March 8, 2020, consist of a Paper Competition, Video Competition, and Poster Competition.
The NESCO Paper Competition is a competition in the electricity sector in the form of a problem-solving competition on load flow diagrams, forecasting, electrical protection systems, and the like. This activity aims to encourage the development and planning of the electricity system, especially in Indonesia.
The Paper Competition event was attended by all 7 teams of finalists and started at 09.45 am. The judge at the final event was Prof. Dr. Ir. Sasongko Pramono Hadi, DEA. (DTETI Lecturer of UGM), Mr. Suroso Isnandar, S.T., M.Sc. (General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Main Unit for Generation and Distribution of Sulawesi), and Mr. Ir. Nur Wahyu Dhinianto, M.Eng. (General Manager of PT PLN Distribution and Load Management Center of Sumatra).
The team from ITB who won the championship was Q-LABS Team and E-PAX Team, which all of them are from Electric Power Engineering study program, generation 2016. The Q-LABS team consisting of Claysius Dewanata, Amirah Ayu Mudhiah F., and Anugrah Pratama won the 1st Place, while the E-PAX Team, which consists of Harso Adjie Brotosukmono, Jeremy Maringan Tua Napitupulu, and Alvin Putra Sisdwinugraha won the 3rd place at the NESCO 2020 Paper Competition with the event theme of “Reliable Electricity for Nation Stability”. Meanwhile, the 2nd winner was the ALS TEAM from Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Therefore, 2 teams from Electrical Power Engineering ITB won 2 titles at the same time in NESCO 2020 event.