Electrical Power Engineering Study Program is Organizing an International Virtual Course 2022 titled Optimizing Energy Transition in Electricity Sector towards Carbon Neutral

Electrical Power Engineering Study Program, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung is proudly organizing an International Virtual Course (IVC) for the second time. This year, the title of the IVC is Optimizing Energy Transition in Electricity Sector towards Carbon Neutral.
As we know that greenhouse-gas emissions must be brought to zero through the energy transition, where structural changes regarding supply and consumption towards more efficient and sustainable energy use are desired. Comprehension of energy transition in the electrical energy sector requires the knowledge of the aspects of the constituent elements, energy planning and optimization, and the impact on the existing electricity system.
This entirely online international virtual course will provide student participants with insights into aspects related to energy transition in the electricity sector towards carbon neutral.
Participants who complete this IVC will get 2 Indonesian credit points (SKS), roughly equivalent to 3 ECTS.
This IVC is a collaboration between Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Universidad Technologica de Pereira (Colombia), PT. PLN (Persero) (Indonesia), Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/GIZ (Germany), and Evolution Energie (France).
The course itself is open to the public. It is free for ITB and international students (non-Indonesian nationality). However, it will cost IDR 3.000.000 for professionals and local non-ITB students.
Anyone interested in joining this program should do the registration at https://s.id/IVCRegistration.
Come and join us! Limited seat is available.
Check the important dates below.
Registration: July 12th – July 19th, 2022
Announcement: July 21st, 2022
Course: July 25th – August 12th, 2022, 7 AM – 9 AM WIB every business day