EPE Meeting with STEI-ITB Advisory Board
Monday, January 8, 2018, some representatives of the ABET accreditation team each Program at STEI attended a meeting with STEI Advisory Board located at Cyber Security R & D Center Building, ITB Jatinangor. The ABET accreditation team is represented by Mr. Nanang Hariyanto, Mr. Umar Khayam as the new Head of Prodi TTL, Mr. Arwindra Rizqiawan as the team leader of ABET of EPE, and Rachmawati.
This advisory board meeting is a one-time meeting per semester to discuss the progress reports of activities within STEI-ITB. As for the meeting this time the agenda in particular is the discussion of Educational Objectives Program (PEO) of each Prodi that need to experience continuous review. Especially for Prodi TTL, this PEO discussion this time in order to follow up the results of previous ABET visitation.