Grand Prize the 5th Student Joint Capstone Design Project Competition, Chonbuk National University, 2017 – Ichwaldo Sendyarta
An electrical power engineering student from ITB, Ichwaldo H.S., successfully won a Grand Prize with his device that is called Relax Me, in The Fifth International Student Joint Capstone Design Project (i-CAPS) Competition that was done in Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea. This competition was followed by twenty team from several countries like Indonesia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Malasia, and Korea.
The device is segmented into two subdevices, the first one is stress detector subdevice and treatment subdevice. The stress detector subdevice contains three main sensors, those are heart beat sensor, skin temperature sensor, and pore temperature sensor. This subdevice resembles a phone case. The subdevice instrument contains four kinds of treatment to decrease stress level of the user.
An Architecture Student Program, member of this team explained that the device is very complex. All this time, the result of stress detector device doesn’t contain with treatment. “So, we have an idea to make a stress detector device that will give n-stress treatments. The treatment will combine sound, lighting atmosphere, air purifier, and aromatherapy.
Furthermore, Arlene explained that the two subdevices can be used separately. Stress detector subdevice can be use in the back of the phone, so it is connected with the mobile application. The traement subdevice can be place in the other place, like in the office where stress is commonly elevated.
Those two subdevices are connected via bluetooth, so the treatment subdevice can provide treatment based on the stress level that is detected from the phone case.
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