Posted January 24, 2018 by Admin in News

ITB Inaugurated Program Head and Employee

Bandung, – A total of 98 ITB faculty members received the Appointment Letter as Program Head which is valid as of January 1, 2018. The new Program Head inauguration was held in West Hall ITB, Friday (5/1/2018), Pk 8: 30 to 9:30 WIB. One of them is Dr. Umar Khayam, ST., MT. who succeed Dr. Nanang Hariyanto ST., MT. as Program Head of  Electrical Power Engineering

“Change of position is part of the usual process according to the rules, where the period of work of Program Head is  until December 31, 2017”, said Samitha Dewi Djajanti, Director of Public Relations and Alumni ITB.

From STEI itself, the chair of the inaugurated study program are:

The Program Head was inaugurated by the Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., Witnessed also by Dean of Faculty / School, Vice Rector, Executive Director and Head of Unit. Pronunciation oath / pledge of office held jointly before each signed document New Program Head  Pledge . Also present at the inauguration ceremony of the invitees, students and other faculty.

In his speech, Kadarsah advised that students can be equipped with knowledge and skills in order to face the demands of change of job field that is really new in the future. “Entrusted to all of you to strengthen our education system”, said Kadarsah.

Rector of ITB did not forget to thank Program Head who has fulfilled his term in the previous period. “May the devotion of you get blessings from Allah SWT”. To the new Program Head, he congratulated on duty to carry out the mandate along with advancing ITB. “May all of you  get the ease of all affairs”, close Kadarsah.

After giving one by one congratulation from the Rector along with his staff and invited guests, the event continued with the inauguration of ITB-PTNBH Employee (State-Owned College with a Legal Entity). A total of 749 people are inaugurated as ITB Employees of PTNBH. This is the first time ITB has held an inauguration of non-pns employees who have been recruited directly since the acceptance of ITB-BHMN (State Owned Legal Entity) employees in 2006.
