Posted January 12, 2021 by Admin in News

ITB-KOMIPO Holds Seminar on Renewable Energy Cooperation between Indonesia and Korea

Bandung Institute of Technology established a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Korea Midland Power Company., Limited (KOMIPO) which was signed on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. KOMIPO is a power generation industry of South Korean.

The scope of this collaboration includes the creation of a Renewable Energy Laboratory which will be named “ITB-KOMIPO LABORATORY”, providing scholarships, recruitment and apprenticeship programs, sharing in renewable energy research, providing academic exchange programs, providing direct or indirect assistance by both parties in activities implementation or joint projects

From the ITB-KOMIPO joint program, the Laboratory of Electric Energy Conversion (LPKEE) is the main object of that collaboration. LPKEE has received grant funds as a step towards the realization of the Renewable Energy Laboratory. As a continuation of this collaboration, on November 7-8, 2019, ITB-KOMIPO held Indonesia-Korea Joint Seminar on Renewable Energy Systems.

This seminar is part of ITB and KOMIPO partnership in creating shared value (CSV) of industry-academic cooperation, through which productive outcome shall be achieved in the future. This is the realization of ITB’s interest in collaborating with industries with its innovation and R&D students and resources, as well as KOMIPO’s objective and commitment as an international independent power producer and operation and maintenance provider.

The seminar that has theme of Powering Indonesia in the Sustainable Way held in Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Bandung, Indonesia. The seminar which was held in 2 days, was attended by 12 speakers including from ITB, PT. PLN, KOMIPO, several energy companies from Korea, and other agencies. The following is a list of speakers and the subject they presented at the Indonesia-Korea Joint Seminar.

  • Innovation and Renewable Policy presented by Ir. Zulfikar Manggau, M.M., M.Eng. (Head of the New and Renewable Energy Division, PT. PLN)
  • Renewable Energies in Smart Grid Environment presented by Prof. Jae Ho Choi (Chungbuk National University)
  • Micro Grid Research presented by Prof. Exclaimed Argo Dahono (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Renewable Business Trend in Korea presented by Jung Hun Kang – (KOMIPO)
  • Micro Hydro Research presented by Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Priyono Soetikno, DEA (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Hydrogen ESS Technology for Stabilizing Grid System by Expansion of Renewable Energy presented by Ga Woo Park (Managing Director of G-Philos, Korea)
  • Bio-friendly Material for Electrical Engineering Application presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarno. M.T. (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Investment Opportunities in Renewable Energy presented by Ir. F.X. Sutijastoto. MA. (Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)
  • Geothermal Research presented by Prof. Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D. (Bandung Institute of Technology)
  • Solar Photovoltaic Market Trend in South East Asia presented by Jong Min Kang (Hanwha Q Cells)
  • Fuel Cell Research in Indonesia presented by Prof. Dr. Eniya Listiani Dewi. B.Eng., M.Eng. (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT))
  • Waste to Energy delivered presented by Yohanes Yudi Prabangkara (Ministry of Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)

This seminar also held a gala dinner on the evening of November 7, 2019. After finish, the seminar was closed with photo session.
