Posted January 12, 2021 by Admin in News

Seminar of Indonesia Supergrid: Solutions to Increase Renewable Energy in Indonesia


STEI ITB through the STEI Academic Talk and Research agenda (BINAR STEI) held a seminar that had theme of the Nusantara Electric Toll: Indonesia Supergrid. The seminar was held online on November 27, 2020 using the Zoom Meeting. The seminar, which was attended by 230 participants, was presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Pekik Argo Dahono who is a professor from the electric power expertise group of STEI ITB. In addition, this seminar was moderated by Dr. Ir. Nanang Hariyanto, MT. who is the head of ITB power systems and electrical distribution laboratory.

At this seminar, Prof. Pekik expressed the idea of ​​creating an electricity network that connects electricity to all major islands in Indonesia. This idea was motivated by the Indonesian government which has built the Palapa Ring (Telecommunication Toll) and Sea Highway which are useful for improving inter-island connectivity. If Indonesia builds an electric toll that connects all major islands, the Indonesian electric power system will be more effective. In addition, the electric toll can also be useful for increasing the reliability and resiliency level of the electric power system.

The main thing stated by Prof. Pekik is this electric toll is useful for sharing renewable energy resources in Indonesia. This can support Indonesia, which has signed the Paris Agreement, that made Indonesia should have contributions to reduce CO2 pollution. Indonesia has a renewable energy mix target of 23% by 2025. However, as stated by Prof. pekik, many people are pessimistic that this can be achieved, considering that currently the renewable energy mix is still 13%.

The main obstacle that makes it difficult to increase the renewable energy mix in Indonesia is the energy sources are far from the location of the electric load. For example, there are many sources of water energy in Papua and North Kalimantan. Other than that, there are also many sources of solar energy in the Nusa Tenggara area. However, the location of the load is currently still dominated in the Java area. With the existence of an electric toll, these energy sources can be utilized and the target of renewable energy mix in Indonesia will be easy to achieve.

This seminar was also attended by Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing. Ir. Reynaldo Zoro. At this seminar, Prof. Zoro said that the idea of an electric toll was a good idea, but he advised to also examine the impact of the tropical climate characteristic of Indonesia and its many phenomenon of lightning strikes. The seminar was closed with a online photo session.
